
The point in space that lies “Halfway to the Moon” is ostensibly the location where the Earth and its nearest heavenly body are united in a celestial marriage. This union of heaven and Earth which can be symbolized by the alchemical symbol of the hexagram, and represents the experience – commonly known as enlightenment – that lies at the center of Aldous Huxley’s The Perennial Philosophy.

The Perennial Philosophy or “eternal religion” that runs through all religions, is the ground of integrative spirituality. The mystics of each faith affirm that the journey of our Soul, is a shifting from our fear-based defensive body/ego identity through disciplined practice of the mind evolving toward psychic awakening, and toward expansive spiritual liberation. Mystics testify to the Ultimate Reality and priority of the transcendent Voidness of the Ground of Being, yet affirm it’s unity with all dimensions, emphasized as the Oneness of monotheism and the non-duality and Sunyata of Eastern Dharma traditions. As the creative source of each moment of our identity, we can choose to identify with the contractedness of the ego, or with the eternal self. The Ancient Egyptian Emerald Tablets tell us, “As Above, So Below.” Heaven is brought to earth through the imagination.

Genesis tells us that humans were “made in the image of God.” The likeness of humanity to it’s Cosmic Creator, a microcosm related to the multidimensional macrocosm, is mystical insight revealing our true identity as a sacred mirror. When we are creative, we align our being with the Cosmic Creative Force, the Source our being. In the flow of creativity, we become a node, a shining outpost of the One Being that unites all beings. “The Divine Imagination” was how Blake referred to his inner world. He made a bookplate stating “All Religions Are One,” a statement that echoes the voice of Mohammed in the Koran, “To know oneself is to know Allah.” From the perspective of oneness, planet earth is a sacred place where beings with the possibility of recognizing their Cosmic origins, can experience the miracle of life’s consciousness evolution. Preserving the diversity of life on planet earth then becomes an obvious priority to ensure the continuity of gifts offered by Creator to bless the world. All mystically informed Visionary Art embody visually these essential teachings. Fishermans Horizon is a sanctuary to renew the sacred nature of being.
